Aikea Aguirre
2 min readFeb 8, 2021

Two weeks ago (wrote this 2 weeks after my birthday: in October LOL) I turned 26 years old. 26 years passed by, but it feels like a lot has happened, but also not so much. It seems like time is running fast, but also moves in slow motion. Do you get what I mean?

It’s stressful enough as it is to learn how to “adult”. As we millennials coined, ~adulting~ Not to mention, with the COVID-19 pandemic it just made everything twice as stressful.

There are times when I don’t seem to remember much about my childhood. I don’t know why, but sometimes something will trigger me to remember so vividly, so clearly it’s like I’m re-living that memory yet again.

I was here to speak about what I’ve learned, but also about my realizations in the past years. But I kinda forgot what I was gonna say then (this is why when you start writing, you should finish it T_T).

My life hasn’t turned out the way I’ve exactly imagined it to be. I’ve made a lot of detours and some plans definitely didn’t go according to plan. There were times when I’d have a break down and cry my eyes out because I’m scared I’d be left behind by my peers.

But see, that’s the thing. There are things we cannot control no matter how hard we try to. *shrug shrug*

What I’ve learned along the way is that (and this is as cliché as it gets):

Life doesn’t always go according to plan.

I can make plans all I want. Put everything on my Google calendar (#notspons), but I definitely have to manage my expectations and try not to be such a control freak so that I don’t get too frustrated or disappointed when things won’t go my way. The same goes for expectations with people. I mean, I know this is easier said than done. But hey, I’m trying. ;)

